
RidgeStar Referees

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Tuesday December 10th, 2024

You can now show the password at the Logon page by clicking show and obfuscate it again clicking hide

Thursday July 25th, 2024

An experiment in improving the Referee: Inquiry criteria (for Crew Position and your own Assignments). Have a look at the revised Referee: Inquiry criteria ...More

Would you like to dramatically increase match fulfillment? Do you need a more efficient system for assigning soccer referees? Do you want to centrally manage schedules, registration, match reports, and billing?

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A RidgeStar Referee Management Site empowers your entire operation - assignors, referees, leagues, and more - with a one-stop information and task management system!

Sample Site?

Discover how a Referee Management Site can help your Chapter, Association, or Group!

As you explore how a Referee Management SiteReferee Management Site can help your ChapterChapter by clicking from spot to spot in this demonstration site, keep in mind you can always contact us with any questions at

Remember that most of this site is dedicated to demonstrating the concepts and functions of a Referee Management Site and certainly should not be interpreted as containing real Match data, valid Email addresses, etc. However, we do have available a fair bit of Documentationgoing which DOES contain the real information about concepts, choices, options, functions, and a wide variety of other information associated with a Referee Management Site.

Explore, investigate, and when you're ready to empower your Scheduling, contact RidgeStar (THE interactive, operations web guys).

In the meantime:

May your whistle be strong, eyesight perfect, and the weather cooperative!

RidgeStar Referees

This home page represents the primary entry point to for all HTTP (Web) traffic.

This is a public page and, as a result, provides a basic introduction to how to go about using the site.

The very left of the page is the Table of Contents containing one or more "Segments" of the site. Simply clicking on one of the available elements will transfer the Visitor to that segment.

The center or body of the page generally contains the function, description, or discussion that satisfies the page's defined purpose. In this case, we're simply letting the Visitor know that they've located the demonstration (and fictitious) site for the RidgeStar-> Referee Management Site.

And last, but not least, the right side of the page (not counting this PageHelp) consists of the What's New? information. Each entry in What's New?whatsnew is intended to provide some sort of timely information to the Visitor about what's going on with the Site or the Chapter behind the Site. Kind of a up-to-the-moment bulletin listing.